ASUS P5N32-SLI Deluxe: Overclocking

FSB Overclocking Results

Front Side Bus Overclocking Testbed
Processor: Pentium 4 Prescott LGA 775
840EE Dual Core 3.2GHz
CPU Voltage: 1.4125V (1.3875V default)
Memory Settings: 3-2-2-8 1T at 715MHz
Memory Voltage: 2.1V
NorthBridge Voltage: 1.40V
SouthBridge Voltage: 1.50V
Cooling: Intel 840EE Heat Sink
Power Supply: OCZ Power Stream 520
Maximum CPU OverClock 257fsb x 16 (4119MHz) +29%
Maximum FSB OC: 261fsb x 14 (3657MHz) +15%

Oddly enough, the ability to increase the front side bus when dropping the multiplier to 14 past the stock fsb results was minimal. This same phenomenon has held true with all of the NVIDIA nForce4 Intel Edition SLI boards that we have tested to date. However, this board is an excellent overclocker, considering that our previous best FSB x 16 was at 245. At this overclock setting, the system was able to complete all of our benchmark test suites and also run Prime95 and SuperPI without issue. This was with the memory set to 715MHz at 3-2-2-8 1T settings. We were able to overclock the FSB to 263 at the 16x multiplier, which resulted in CPU operation of 4208MHz, but were unable to complete the benchmark test suite. However, even at this setting, the board was stable enough to complete all of the gaming benchmarks.

Click to enlarge.

In fact, this board outscored the previous best Abit NI8 SLI overclock scores in AquaMark 3 and 3DMark2001SE with significantly lower memory settings. Please refer to the Abit NI8 SLI article for further details. The above test results were achieved with the board operating at 4119MHz (257fsbx16), memory settings at 715MHz at 3-2-2-8 1T, and an NVIDIA 7800GTX at 515MHz core / 1350MHz memory with 81.85 WHQL drivers set to standard Quality settings.

Memory Stress Testing

Memory stress tests look at the ability of the Asus P5N32-SLI Deluxe to operate at the officially supported memory frequencies of 667MHz DDR2 at the best performing memory timings that the Corsair CM2X512A-5400UL revision 1.3 will support.

Asus P5N32-SLI Deluxe
Stable DDR667 Timings - 2 DIMMs
(2/4 slots populated - 1 Dual-Channel Bank)
Clock Speed: 200MHz (800FSB)
Timing Mode: 667MHz - Default
CAS Latency: 3
RAS to CAS Delay: 2
RAS Precharge: 2
RAS Cycle Time: 8
Voltage: 2.1V
Command Rate: 1

The Asus P5N32-SLI Deluxe was completely stable with 2 DDR2 modules in Dual-Channel at the settings of 3-2-2-8 at 2.1V and was stable at this setting up to a timing mode of 720MHz before changing the Command Rate to 2.

We will now install all four available memory slots, which are usually more strenuous on the memory subsystem than testing 2 DDR2 modules on a motherboard.

Asus P5N32-SLI Deluxe
Stable DDR667 Timings - 4 DIMMs
(4/4 slots populated - 2 Dual-Channel Banks)
Clock Speed: 200MHz (800FSB)
Timing Mode: 667MHz - Default
CAS Latency: 3
RAS to CAS Delay: 2
RAS Precharge: 2
RAS Cycle Time: 8
Voltage: 2.2V
Command Rate: 1

The Asus P5N32-SLI Deluxe was completely stable with 4 DDR2 modules in Dual-Channel at the settings of 3-2-2-8 and only needed the voltage increased to 2.2. This is an excellent accomplishment and truly shows off the engineering aspects of this board.

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  • scottyfree111 - Friday, December 16, 2005 - link

    Gary, I got one of the first production runs of this board and I smelled something burning on the first post. I got it to work, but mobo temps were 46-48C. my friend got the same board a few weeks later in an almost identical setup (P43.46EE, dual Quadro FX-3400's, PC P&C 850 PSU) and got 28C mobo, and 29C (idle on the CPUw/Zalman 9500 cooler). So I RMA'd it, and am hoping for similar results. It should be back any day now and I'm hoping they replaced it. Asus forums list many unhappy campers having all sorts of Bios issues. Which Bios are you using now(212 maybe?) Also, I was disappointed that there are only 5 internal sata ports since I use 9 hard drives. I've been looking into using a Sil Image 5X1 port multiplier with a 4 bay esata enclosure from either Addonics or Cool Drives to get a RAID 0X4 on the Sil 3132 with my 4 WD740 Raptors for video capture/editing. Do you know anything about setting up an esata RAID? Thanks
  • MadAd - Friday, November 4, 2005 - link

    Thanks for the reply Gary, dont bust a gut though, 1920x1440 is really good enough :)

    Im just welcoming the recognition that people do use high res to do normal things like play games on (shock horror).

    Ive always found it strange that Anandtech reports on so much cutting edge hardware in the cpu, mobo and video areas, the bread and butter of a good review site, but seemed to ignore people with high end monitors in test results - at least you are putting that right now, thank you again.
  • MadAd - Wednesday, November 2, 2005 - link

    Hooray! a reviewer that benchmarks games up to high end video resolutions! Thank you thank you!!

    My own resolution of 1920x1200 wasnt mentioned but I got the picture from what you did cover, thank you again- The other Anand reviewers seem to think theres no life after 1600x1200. (but there is :¬) )

    Nice one
  • Gary Key - Wednesday, November 2, 2005 - link


    The review results will depend upon the monitor's capability during testing (several of my monitor's only go to 1600x1200 or 1280x1024). Also, please realize that a large majority of readers have 19" LCDs that only support up to 1280x1024. This is why we standardized on this resolution recently. However, we will start providing higher resolution benchmarks depending upon the hardware being reviewed (performance oriented boards) and time allowances. This is based upon the fact that the next step up for most buyers will be the 1600x1200 ~ 1920x1200 capable monitors.

    The higher end monitor's I have for testing do not support the 1920x1200 format. They support the 1920x1440 and up resolutions. However, that should change in the next month or so hopefully. ;-)

    I appreciate the comments and hopefully we can get you and others some 1920x1200 benchmarks in the near future.

  • H0witzer - Saturday, October 29, 2005 - link

    As the owner of a P5ND2-SLI-Deluxe I have to say the C19 chipset gets WAY too hot. Not to mention the horrible stability of the BIOS. There has been Many complaints from ASUS owners about these issues. Another issue as of late has been power supplies blowing. I personally experience a 3 day old 500W Aspire power supply blowing, and after flashing the BIOS the entire system dying.

    I wonder about the stability of the NVIDIA chipset and how it will hold up in the long run. I would have liked to see a comparison against the P5WD2-Premium.
  • Gary Key - Saturday, October 29, 2005 - link

    I have read some of the horror stories about the P5ND2-SLI-Deluxe and agree about the thermal issues among others with the A2 stepping of the C19. The A3 and up steppings are better in this regard and the new board layout is significantly more robust than the P5ND2 series. I believe Asus realized their errors from several product releases lately (I went to Intel boards after an earlier issue with Asus) and are in the process of correcting them. This board has restored my faith in their new product lineup. This bios we tested with (0047) has been wonderful from both a stability and performance viewpoint. I personally use OCZ or PC Power and Cooling power supplies and have never had an issue with any board, good or bad. I did not have the P5WD2 to test against but I do have the P5LD2 now. :->
  • H0witzer - Sunday, October 30, 2005 - link

    Hey Gary,

    Thanks for taking the time to write back. Based on your article and statements here I am going to contact my online retailer who is processing my RMA and tell them to just issue a credit and I will purchase the P5N32-SLI instead. Don't worry i won't hold you responsible for my decision :-)

    I just figured it couldn't be any worse than the last board. Hopefully they fixed the things that were issues with the P5ND2-SLI Deluxe.

    One last question, when will this be available, have you heard anything yet? All the online retailers are saying Pre-Order.
  • Gary Key - Sunday, October 30, 2005 - link

    Good Day,

    I bought a couple of boards from NewEgg last week but I noticed this morning they are out of them. I will send them a message and see when their next batch is in. When you receive the board please email me and we can discuss specifics on the board and bios. I really think you will be pleased with this board. If not, please post your issues. I would appreciate another viewpoint or opinion on the board.
  • H0witzer - Wednesday, November 2, 2005 - link

    Hi Gary,

    Any word on why the boards all disapeared? Seems that No one has them anymore.
  • Gary Key - Wednesday, November 2, 2005 - link

    Good Day,

    We spoke with Asus tonight. The second production run of boards was slightly delayed due to a couple of minor hardware changes on the board that should not affect performance. They changed resistors in a couple of areas apparently. However, Asus will provide us a new board for testing to ensure results are indicative of the review board results. The next production run of boards should arrive within 7 business days according to our sources. I will post an update to the article if there are any changes with this new release.


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