Performance vs. Transfer Size

ATTO does a good job of showing us how sequential performance varies with transfer size. Most controllers optimize for commonly seen transfer sizes and neglect the rest. The optimization around 4KB, 8KB and 128KB transfers makes sense given that's what most workloads are bound by, but it's always important to understand how a drive performs across the entire gamut.

The M5M performs very similarly to Plextor's M5S and M5 Pro, although there is a small drop in write performance between IO sizes of 8KB and 256KB. 

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Performance Consistency AnandTech Storage Bench 2011
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  • JellyRoll - Thursday, April 18, 2013 - link

    The consistency testing and all trace based testing used by this site are tested without partitions or filesystems, and no TRIM functionality. This has been disclosed by the staff in the comment sections of previous reviews.
  • bobsmith1492 - Wednesday, April 17, 2013 - link

    Hi Kristian,
    Let me know the regulator part number and I can calculate the loss in the regulator. The main difference is if it is a switching or linear part. A linear part will waste 100% * (5-3.3)/5 percent of the power, or 34% neglecting the usually small quiescent current. A switcher will waste less, usually 10-20%.
  • Kristian Vättö - Wednesday, April 17, 2013 - link

    It's Micrel 29150 as far as I know. Here's the datasheet
  • Ashaw - Wednesday, April 17, 2013 - link

    That is a linear part. Current in = current out + the ground pin current. See the graph on page 10. The ground current is about 1/50 the output current in this part. so the input current is a good approximation of the output current.
  • Ashaw - Wednesday, April 17, 2013 - link

    So the powers in the graphs above should be approx 0.41W, 2.75W and 2.98 W respectively. (Maybe slightly less in le lower digit if I were to include regulator losses).
  • bobsmith1492 - Wednesday, April 17, 2013 - link

    Agreed, the SSD is using approximately 66% of the measured power on the 5V rail.
  • JellyRoll - Wednesday, April 17, 2013 - link

    There are two problems with this statement:
    "In our Intel SSD DC S3700 review Anand introduced a new method of characterizing performance: looking at the latency of individual operations over time."

    1. Anand did not introduce this testing, another website did.
    2. it isnt looking at individual operations, thousands of operations are happening per second, hence the term 'IOPS' (I/O Per Second)
  • JellyRoll - Wednesday, April 17, 2013 - link

    Actually there is a third problem with the statement, it isnt looking at latency either. It is looking at IOPS, which is much different than latency. There are no latency numbers in this test.
  • JPForums - Thursday, April 18, 2013 - link

    There are no latency numbers displayed directly in the results, but latencies are implicit in the IOPS measurement. You may not be getting individual operation latencies, but IOPS is the inverse of average operation latency. So Just divide 1 by the number IOPS and you'll get your average operation latency.

    In general, I give reviewers the benefit of the doubt and try to put aside small slip ups in nomenclature or semantics as long as it is relatively easy to understand the points they are trying to make. That said, you seem to have it out for Kristian (or perhaps Anandtech as a whole), giving no slack and even reading things into statements that I'm not sure are there. I have no vested interest in Anandtech beyond the interest of reading good reviews, but I have to ask, did Kristian kick your dog or something? I'm honestly interested if you have a legitimate grievance.
  • JellyRoll - Thursday, April 18, 2013 - link

    Pointing out numerous problems with methodology is simply that, in particular the consistency tests are wildly misleading for a number of reasons, the least of which is an unreal workload. I will not resort to replying to thinly veiled flamebait attempts.

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